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August 9, 2024

I was out in Spearville, Kansas recently and decided to get some gas since I didn’t have any.

Lo and behold I walked into the gas station and it turned out that this “GAS STATION” sold breakfast burritos!!!!!

They were clearly made by someone that knows how to make breakfast burritos. It even came with two homemade salsas — a red and green salsa.

I was really suprised that I could get such a good breakfast burrito from a gas station. Because I had been told by hundreds of people that I shouldn’t judge Quik Trip for having crap food despite the fact that it a) has an entire area of their stores called “The Kitchen” and b) markets itself as “More than a Gas Station.” Can’t believe I would do such a thing — judge them by what they market themselves as. Jeez TKG.

So turns out folks — if you’re a gas station selling food, you can still choose to sell good, quality food.

Yes Virginia, there are good breakfast burritos at some gas stations.


P.S. A gas station in a town of 791 people in western Kansas has better food than QuikTrip.

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