September 22, 2024
Everyone spends their Sundays doing something productive. Some peeps work. Others go to church. Others rest or engage in the ever popular Sunday Funday. Me?
I like to think about the things that really stick in my craw. That just irritate the heck out of TKG.
This is this Sunday’s Stick in TKG’s Craw.
I can’t stand the Anti-1,2, 3ers. You know what I’m talking about. The people that take photos of you and instead of saying “1, 2, 3” and often times follow it with a “cheese,” they silently stand there and click, click, click. You don’t know when you have an opportunity to blink. Because you don’t know crap.
Some of these idiots will even do it with groups. You know like you’re a kid and there’s a group of parents taking photos. Where do you look? Who is taking photos. When?
It’s really basic common sense to do the “1, 2, 3.”
Do better. We’ll talk next Sunday.