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October 15, 2024

Gertie (TKG’s GF) slammed on the brakes of her Ford Pinto. There was the sign — Luigi’s italian Restaurant in Winfield, Kansas.

It had been a day and nothing fixed “a day” like a plate of pasta. So, when Gertie walked in the doors and saw the special was a Riggatoni Vodka with Sausage, Chicken, and Mushrooms…she said what we’d all say. “Bro, give me some of that.”

As Gertie daintily ate her pasta, putting no more than 8 pasta noodles in her fork, she checked her SMS Text Messages.

“Oh no! He did not just do that!!!” she screamed out loud as she continued to eat. She kept looking at the text, but the pasta was too good to stop chowing. As a consequence she unknowingly dribbled some pasta sauce onto the lens of her camera, which would later cause major issues when trying to capture life’s most important memories.

RESTAURANT NOTES: Interesting piece of knowledge is that the owner of this restaurant is from Sicily, Italy. Gertie received excellent service and quality food at a reasonable price.

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