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March 10, 2025

“Extra!! Extra!! Read all abooouuut it!! The Kansas Gastronomist is back at it again!! This time it’s some pizza from a small town!!”

“Young man. Young man!” Doug’ Mother in Law (TKG’s mom) called out. “How much for the paper?” she asked.

“Well that will be six pence, Miss.” the young boy shouted back.

After Doug’s Mother In Law forked over payment she skimmed the front page. There was TKG’s latest review.

“Recently I checked out Halagains in Garden Plain, Kansas. It is one of my favorite pizza places outside of Wichita — a mere 35-minute drive from Eastern Wichita. I ordered a pizza with half Pepperoni and Italian Sausage and half just cheese. I also ordered a Loaded Tritip Skillet (pizza bowl) with loaded potatoes topped with smoked triptip, onions, bells, bacon, jalepenos, hous mustard and Jack cheese.

I really enjoyed the pizza just like I did the first time I visited back in October 2023. It’s just a good darn pizza. As far as the bowl/skillet, it was probably my top three favorite pizza bowls/skillets I have tried. There are only a handful of pizza joints that offer this and it is something that sets it apart from the competition.”

Doug’s Mother In Law finished reading the review and opened up her flip phone to text Doug. “Did you read it yet Doug?” the SMS text message read.

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