March 19, 2024
It’s National Agriculture Day so I figured I’d tell you about my trip to Zenda, Kansas, population 72, where I saw the world’s smallest jail and most interesting post office. Oh yeah…and got a nice 8-oz Sirloin with loaded baked potato and green beans at Lumber Yard Steakhouse.
This place has an interesting history. It used to be…wait for it…a lumber yard! Started in 1902 and operated as a lumber yard until 1991 when the Graber family opened it up as “The Lumber Yard Steakhouse and Supper Club.” I don’t know why, but I love saying “Supper Club.” Actually I know why. It’s cause I love supper and I love da’ club.
Anyway, it’s a pretty cool building and a great dinner. Now this place does have limited hours. I’d tell you what they are, but I don’t want to. I always post the link to their page so you can look and also you can Google or even use your rotary telephone to call Information.
So, Happy Ag Day all you filthy animals. I wouldn’t have that sirloin, baked potato or green beans without you farmers and ranchers and for that..I’m eternally grateful.