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June 2, 2024

Andrew and Ashlea started Eddie’s Cafe after Andrew retired from the military. “Eddie’s” is named for their four-year old son whom is special needs, suffering from a condition that affects 350 people in the world.

Before returning to Wichita, Kansas, when Andrew and Ashlea were stationed in other locations they saw cafes like theirs, that hired special needs’ employees and were open specifically to make sure that those with needs would feel welcome. That’s why Eddie’s exists. That’s what Eddie’s does.

When I visited Eddie’s one of Andrew and Ashlea’s son’s ran the register and Eddie was even there with his parents. I’m telling you, I know when something is special. This is a special family, a wonderful mission and guess what? My breakfast burrito was excellent and only $3.50. It had a queso mixed in with the eggs and sausage. Yeah…that’s what I’m talking about. Also I noticed they serve Reverie Coffee Roasters coffee.

Where the heck you gonna get a burrito like that and see so much humanity and goodness? If there is a spot in Wichita I’d ask you to support…it’s Eddie’s Cafe. It’s on the west side in the former Carpe Diem cafe at 8643 W. Central Ave.

Tell ‘em TKG sent you. Just kidding. Don’t. But go and support.

This is why I have a blog.


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