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August 28, 2024

I recently learned something about First Mile Kitchen at Bradley Fair in Wichita,Kansas that I found profoundly interesting.

The yeast in the bread of the English muffin that served as my bun on my sandwich is hundreds of years old. I guess the sourdough starter was purchased from someone that had had it in their family since the 1800s.

That’s incredible.

Speaking of incredible, I ordered up the “Nick’s Whole Filet Cheeseburger.” A 6-oz Beef Tenderloin on an 1847 English Muffin (1847….ya say…hmm) with blue cheese. I was kind of curious how the sandwich would work — would it be tender enough to eat as a sandwich? Duh. It was. Now, it was a little pricey, but I was celebrating (Doug is on a work trip, so there is some peace).


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