November 6, 2024
The Kansas Gastronomist pulled into the drive-through of a McDonald’s.
He had to do something. Ever since the restaurant had ceased selling the Quarter Pounder with Cheese (with a side of E-Coli) he felt compelled to help. And help he would.
“I’d like a Double Cheeseburger with a small fry!” he shouted to the little speaker thingy. It was not shouting for the sake of shouting. No. It was a joyful shout. A “I’m here to save the day” shout. A “TKG can right this sinking ship” shout.
Few people could eat an entire double cheeseburger and small fries from Mc’y D’s. But TKG is not an ordinary person — he’s a gastronomist.
As he shoved the last remaining bite of the massive burger down his gullet, he planned his next move. It would probably be making a post or something about his visit. He wasn’t sure.