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March 19, 2024

McLain’s Bakery has been in business in Kansas City, since 1945 — the year after I was born. To be honest I wasn’t looking forward to going, but Doug and Doug’s wife (my sister) forced the issue. Once I got there I loved it.

I met Greg. Greg is dad to his son and daughter who own this spot and bought it from the McLain family around 10-years ago. This spot has been in two locations during all or most of the time it’s been in operation since 1945 — at 201 E. Gregory Blvd. in the “Waldo District” where it is currently located and before that, somewhere else.

This place also sells Sway Coffee which is owned by the same family. That coffee was AMAZING. Seriously. I have grown to hate Starbucks coffee more and more as I try out LEGIT local coffee roasters and Sway simply extended that hatred.

By the way, I got the Fried Egg Sandwich and it was something worthy of gobbling down. I ate every bite. Look at the menu if you are curious what was on it.


P.S. This place has an awesome bakery (hence the name). Check out the video in the comments. You can grab your egg sandwich, coffee and observe the bakers doing the baking.

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