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March 8, 2024

Tucked away in an area of Wichita, Kansas often overlooked, Redrock Canyon Grill is the hidden gem you’ve never heard of.

Located in the quaint and homey area of 21st St. & Rock Rd., Redrock Canyon Grill is known for their Wood-Fire Roasted Chicken and French Fries. But did you know that they also offer a dish called “Wood-Grilled Sausages, Chicken Thigh and Leg?” The name sort of rolls off the tongue doesn’t it? Did you also know this meal comes with a side and that one option for a side is Mashed Red Potatoes? Course you didn’t.


RESTAURANT NOTES: I had not been to Redrock in several years and decided to check it out recently. I don’t know if the Grilled Sausages and Chicken Leg/Thighs are a dish added or if I just never noticed it before. But really I enjoyed it a lot. The sausage was cooked perfectly and I scarfed everything down. 20,000 out of 20,000 for sure.

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