January 5, 2024
It’s Sunday, January 5th. And it’s time to talk about what is in my craw.
Horrible weather out there right now across Gastroland. Lots of closings. Some places that did not close. And lots of opinions about whether places should or should not have closed.
Some people just need to live their lives. And understand that when someone disagrees with them, even if that person is 100% wrong (in their opinion), most of the time the opinion they disagree with does not come from a position of malice.
But many act like it. If a business chose to stay open during the “bad” weather, that means the business “hates their employees and customers.” If a business closed during the “bad” weather that means they are soft and stupid and idiots. And of course there are varying degrees of what “bad” weather is.
Everyone is just doing their best to figure stuff out throughout this complex thing we call “life.”
The best advice someone ever gave me was to never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance or something that is less than malice.
What’s in my craw are the people in life that attribute malice to everyone they merely have a disagreement with.