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November 17, 2024

It’s Sunday, November 17, 2024. This is TKG’s stick in his craw.

I initially was going to complain about Netflix and the buffering during the Tyson v. Paul fight.

Nah. I have a better idea.

How crazy was that fight? Jake Paul, a 27-year old, fighting Mike Tyson, a 58-year old. Despite Tyson having so much more experience and more wins, it didn’t matter. Paul was stronger and younger — 31-years younger. Period.

It’s funny. I feel like that fight was emblematic of something and I’m not entirely sure what. In a way it was an “out with old, in with the new.” But not in a disrespectful way. The “new” proved himself. The “new” respectfully did not “knock out” the old. Anyone that watched the fight knows that (some don’t like it, but I don’t mind). Actually, the “new” gave deference to the “old” by giving a slight bow once the “new” had won. Don’t know if you caught that with all the buffering.

Mike Tyson is a beast, no doubt. But when it comes to his craft, he is at the end. I guess we all experience the end of being “the best.” Whether that’s life. Or career. Or whatever.

I can only hope that whenever I am “the new” that I treat “the old” with the respect that Paul treated Tyson when the match was over. And I can only hope that if I am or when I am “the old,” that I embrace “the new” in the way Tyson embraced Paul at the end.

I guess this Sunday I don’t have a stick in my craw. Just some thoughts in my membrane.


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